Wednesday, December 31, 2008

What a beautiful Wednesday!!!

     Well, I just went out and blazed my own cross-country trail in our pasture!! What a blast! It's warm (37 degrees), and I was out there in my sweatshirt and sweatpants, and just sweating big time!
     The first go around was a bit slow, since the snow was so deep, but each time around I went faster and faster.
     I cross-country skied for 45 minutes. Hopefully I will be able to walk tomorrow, LOL!
     Now, my goal is to cross-country ski at least once a week. I would like to do more than that, but I know just how busy January will be.
     Considering I have not gone ONCE since I moved here, I am excited that I went today!
     Next time out, I am going to clock my time and see how long it takes for each lap. I just wish I could figure out the distance of my circle around the pasture!
     Tonight we are going out dancing. I can't wait!!! That will be some more burning of calories!
     Right now, I just need to drink lots of water ;)

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