Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Good news or bad news first?

     OK, so let's start with the good news! This morning I tried on a pair of pants that I couldn't wear during winter, and not only do they fit...but they are already loose! YEAH baby!
     And, so this had me in a trying on all my smaller pants sort of frenzy! LOL
     I was able to put on pants that I couldn't get up over my butt a couple of months ago! Yahoo!
     And, all of my summer shorts fit, and many are loose, too! YES!
     OK, so for the not-so-good news...I have not been tracking. I have been exercising, even rode the bike this morning, and I love that routine.
     I have a big workout planned for this afternoon, and I am feeling quite motivated!
     But, the eating...not so good this past week. Friday I ate Family Food in my Cultural Humanities class, and it was VERY good!
     Then I ate one small piece (they were small pizzas, so the pieces were seriously small) of pizza, and I ate an ice cream (drumstick).
     Then Saturday...well, I ate a bunch of Jalapeno chips at the baseball game. Geez. Other than that, I did great! Everything else was healthy and under control in the portion department.
     Sunday = NOT so good! We ate dinner at Kentucky Fried Chicken. I detest fast food! This is the FIRST time I have ever even eaten there!!! I did have grilled chicken, and a small portion of mashed potatoes (that were not very good), and then to top off that, we went to Dairy Queen.
     Now, I WANTED a Blizzard, but I settled with a small chocolate dipped ice cream.
     Then last night, after I froze during the baseball game (and ate a few more Jalapeno chips), I went to Stampede Teriyaki for takeout.
     Not good. Not good. The thing is that I am being good for breakfast and lunch. I need to get more organized and figure it out for dinner!!!
     So, hopefully the intense exercise will stave off the poundage on the scale this week, and if not...I am OK. As I am refocusing right now, and I am especially enjoying wearing these jeans today :)

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