Friday, February 9, 2007


     I am excited. I am little nervous. I am tired. I am intrigued. I am glad the weekend is peeking its head around the corner!
     I am excited for a whole bunch of reasons. First, Monday is almost here, and we all know what Monday means for me!!
     I am also excited about something completely different, and that is the Relay for Life. We had our kick-off last night, and I am really jazzed about this year's event!
     Last night I spoke with someone I have known since I have moved here, and I did not know that she had cancer.
     She is going to do the relay this year for the first time, and I just had this awesome connection with her last night that reminded me why I am involved in the first place. That's definitely exciting!
     Now, on to the nervous bit, I am feeling a little bit of the butterflies about making this gi-normous change in my life starting on Monday.
     I know that I have planned everything that I possibly can, and I know that stuff will happen along the way for which I didn't plan.
     I am just nervous about making it happen this time. I know I can do it. I want to do it, and part of me wonders if the nerves are just part of the excitement.
     I am tired, too. Long, long, long, long, long, long week . . . and thankfully I do not have too many things to do over the weekend.
     OK, so why I am I intrigued? I am not sure that is the perfect choice of word, but it seemed close enough.
     Drum roll, please. This month is National Potato Lovers' Month. Hmmmm. This month is for people who love potatoes.
     I just found that sort of a weird national month celebration, I guess. I love potatoes, so I guess this month is for me.
     In addition to those who love potatoes, it is also National Grapefruit Month. For the record, I do NOT eat grapefruit, so I won't be celebrating that one.
     I am glad the weekend is here. Yes, I am. I am looking forward to these next couple of days and what's to come after.
     And, that's the last word, until Monday.

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