Wednesday, February 14, 2007

It's time to Go Red

     I consider myself to be a rather intelligent and educated woman. I must admit, however, that I did not know that heart disease is the No. 1 killer of American women over the age of 25, even more than all cancer combined.
     I thought heart disease was a problem that afflicted the older generation; in reality women die of heart attacks and other heart-related conditions even before they celebrate their 10-year reunions from high school graduation!
     I am not surprised that the statistic on the American Heart Association's Web site shows that only 13 percent of women consider heart disease a concern. (Obviously, I was part of the other 87 percent.)
     Yet, nearly half a million women die each year. That could be your mother, sister, daughter, grandmother, best friend. Scary!
     In an effort to educate women about heart disease, including understanding the risk factors that we can control, the American Heart Association has launched the Go Red campaign.
     We do have choices, and we can improve our quality of life by focusing on the following risk factors: High blood pressure, smoking, high cholesterol, physical inactivity, obesity or overweight, and diabetes.
     The first step is knowledge. We have to know our numbers and which numbers we should know. Then we have to understand those numbers to work toward a healthier heart.
     Do you know your cholesterol, both good and bad? How about your triglycerides? Blood pressure, fasting glucose, body mass index (bmi), or your waist circumference?
     To be honest, I don't know any of those except my waist measurement which, according to the American Heart Association, is one factor not in my favor for keeping my heart healthy - if I don't do something about it, that is.
     So, once you know those numbers, then you need to see where you fall in relation to the optimum numbers for heart health. You need to talk with your doctor to create a plan, a plan to live a longer, healthier life.
     I did make an appointment with the doctor, and I am looking forward to learning my numbers. I challenge you to do the same and for you to challenge others, too.
     Visit to find out what you should know and how you can make a difference in the quality of your life.
     Happy Heart Day to you!

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