Monday, November 28, 2011

Marvelous Monday, yes indeedy

Last week 205.2
This week 204
So that's down 1.2!!! THAT'S WITH TWO full turkey dinners:)) I am so glad and proud of me!!!

OH MY GAWSH, I can't wait to lose these freaking 4 pounds!!!

Today I drank TONS of water!! I met my water goal :)
I ate at least 1000 calories.
I worked out for 18 minutes.

Calories in=
1/4 cup oatmeal-75
1 tsp of brown sugar- 15
16 ounces coffee- SF,FF white chocolate/pumpkin - 150

green beans with onions,mushrooms, bacon bits- 1/2 cup -70
fruit salad- 1 cup - 120
tangerine - 35
apple- 85
ham -75

turkey noodle soup- turkey, noodles, broth, tomatoes, celery, croutons, cheese - 400

TOTAL IN =1025
Net = 900

I jumped rope for 18 minutes.
406 jumps with 65 jumps in a row, as the longest :)
125 calories burned!

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