Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Bad to better!

Today was an OK day. I was SUPER tired. All of that up all night because of the sore tooth :( I didn't want to get up when the alarm went off. BUT, I did get up and head to the gym. SO, I did my jog, and it quite frankly was one of my least favorite jogs ever. I did do it. I only did 2 miles. I did add incline. But, it all felt like a struggle :( I seriously was sweating like crazy, beat red, and even had a bit of a headache when I was done. I burned calories, and I just wanted to go home and take a shower. (380 calories)

The rest of the day went ok. It felt like a DOUBLE Monday or something. Then ZUMBA was cancelled at my school because the instructor was sick :( The Old Trisha would've just gone home and probably taken a much needed nap, but instead I headed directly to the gym! I did 15 minutes (125 calories) on the row machine. BOY OH BOY my shoulders, and triceps were BURNING! It felt so good!! I will definitely be including the row machine in my weekly workout schedule.

Then I tried out a machine I have never used before. It is the Cybex Arc Trainer. I like it a lot, once I got the hang of it! THAT was a good workout, boy I was sweating!! I did 20 minutes and burned 260 calories!!! AND, no pressure on my knees!

SO, if you are keeping track, that's a nice little 505 in calories burned! And, I felt much better after working this afternoon!! I imagine it helps that the antibiotics are kicking in, and my tooth is much better!

I did squeeze in a nap this evening, too :)

Quick checklist summary:
Vitamins- Yes.
Water- Yes.
Exercise- YES!!!
Calories- Yes.
Fruits/Veggies- Yes.

What went in...
Protein Shake - 250
Americano - 0

Garden Burger - 120
Pear - 96
Celery - 20
LC Cheese - 35
Tangerine -45
Almonds - 160

Banana - 110

Meatloaf - 207 (6 ounces)
Cornbread muffin - 150
cukes/tomatoes salad with honey mustard - 50

Net calories = 738

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