Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A day of love :)

I worked out twice today! YAHOO...
That's right, up at 4:55 a.m. and off to run 3 miles! I ran 10:30 minute miles!! I felt like I could keep running, but I had to go home and get ready for work.

Then after school I went back and did the elliptical for 30 minutes, registering 320 calories.

I am drinking all of my water--135 ounces today.

Vitamins -YES!
Fruits and Veggies - 4 servings

Eating...well, it wasn't all healthy today. I did eat a handful of treats--a couple of sugar cookies! But, I also worked out hard, so I felt like I deserved it! We had a yummy dinner of steak, lobster, shrimp, and our little one made chocolate covered strawberries, but I didn't have one, just because of the sugar I had eaten today made it not seem like even a remote temptation!

Protein Shake - 120
coffee- Americano - NO calories :))

2 sugar cookies - 320
2 tiny meringue cookies - 50?

strawberries - 50
Mandarin orange -45
cukes - 20

steak- chuck eye - 6 ounces - 272
lobster - 4 ounces - 101
shrimp - 77
garlic roll - 130
1/2 potato- 80
sour cream - 40
BBQ sauce - 40

1 sugar cookie - 160

Calories IN= 1505
Calories OUT = 781
Running - 456
Elliptical = 325
OH! And, we played Wii tonight after dinner :)))))) I didn't even count those calories.
Net = 724!

IN THE END...I survived!! And, I LOVE Valentine's DAY, and it loved me!!

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