Thursday, February 14, 2008

Hope your V-Day is sUpEr SWEET!

     Valentine's Day is my favorite commercial holiday, without a doubt! The day just feels crazy and charged with electricity, or maybe that energy is just SUGAR!
     Just remember, you don't have to eat all those chocolates at once! What's great about V-Day candy is that it is usually portion-controlled! Just one little bite a day, if you NEED chocolate or whatever sugarfied delight you receive.
     I am saving my calories for our dinner tonight! We decided to take our kids with us to a special, fancy dinner, and they are BOTH excited :)
     I really thought about that, and it makes sense. Normally a V-Day dinner is a couples thing, and we could've had our oldest watch our youngest, but instead we invited them to join us, and they both were tickled to be included.
     This weekend Ricky and I will be sans kids (they both will be the other parents), so we are going to have date night on Friday instead of tonight.
     I am excited for the gift I gave Ricky today. I had the portrait his son painted of him framed at Heatherdales. Let me tell you...they do amazing work! I especially loved the option to go with barnwood for the frame.
     It's really cool right now because as I look at the mountains, they look like they have pink cotton candy floating above, a nice touch for Valentine's Day!!

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