Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Monday, reported on Wednesday night!

     Monday, I will call Mommy Monday! What a great start of the week!!
     First off our little one lost her second tooth, so she could kinda sing the song wishing for her two front teeth now. She was so tickled for the tooth fairy to come and visit her.
     It's really fun being both Santa and the Tooth Fairy! And, nowadays, teeth are worth far more than when I lost them! Geez, must be inflation and whatnot.
     Monday night was also our December preschool meeting. This time, though, we had it at Teacher Sandy's house.
     WOW! What a beautiful and festive home!! Even if you were a Grinch (and, I am definitely not), you would feel your heart grow in the Christmas spirit.
     We had lots of good food, and I just love spending time with such dedicated moms!! And, we are very lucky to have such great second moms in our fantastic teachers :)
     So, we did some preliminary planning for our auction. Trust me you will hear LOTS more about it!!! For now mark the date: Friday, February 29th! Cool date, huh?!!
     Life is so busy at this time of the year, and really Monday night was a nice way to slow down and just enjoy others.

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