Monday, December 17, 2007

Way too blessed to be so stressed!!

     I heard a great quotation today..."We are too blessed to be so stressed. Enjoy your holidays!" A soldier stationed in Iraq said that last night on the new show The Clash of the Choirs.
     And, isn't that the truth??? Why does it take a person in a much different situation than we find ourselves in to remind us of the simplicity of it all. I do keep laughing at how busy things are and how much is going on around us!!
     Last weekend we had three Christmas parties, one birthday party (Miss Olivia is 7!!!), and an out of town basketball game to attend.
     This week we have basketball games(3), meetings, concerts (high school on Thursday and Montessori on Friday), school Christmas parties, a Solistice Party on Friday night, Rick's brother Rod coming to visit for the weekend, and the BIG highlight...picking up Cody on Saturday!!
     I did mail out my Christmas cards today, albeit a tad later than I wanted to. I am really happy with them this year!

     We also included a cute collage picture that our little one created (quite the artist) that included candy canes, presents, reindeer, an ornament, etc. That's a tradition I started WAY back when my boys were so little. It's fun to look at the progression of all of their art through the years!
     So, I am trying to relish the simple and easy moments...not all the hustle and bustle. We truly do have so much for which to be thankful!

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