Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Wednesday Weigh-in

     I weighed in at the clinic, which I several weeks ago I calibrated to the WW scales, and I am totally excited because I lost one pound! Woo hoo!!!!!
     I was contemplating taking off the coast to coast trip on the site because I haven't been doing miles walking or riding, but instead I decided I am going to keep it on to inspire me to get back to that kind of exercise.
     I am a bit disappointed in my program this summer. I thought I would be more motivated than I have been.
     I have been quite active, and in different and adventurous ways, but it's not quite what I had envisioned at the beginning of summer.
     Of course, there is still time to set things in motion the way I want them to be, as I have just under a month until school starts.
     All in all though, I have to remind myself that I have still been losing all summer!
     That's still success :)

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