Wednesday, February 1, 2006

The battle of the bulge begins for Bradley

     Really, why does trying to lose weight feel like I am waging a war, much like the real Battle of the Bulge in 1944?
     Although the Germans surprise attacked the Americans, I don't really feel like my own situation is much of a surprise. I know why I am where I am, physically, and I know what I have to do to conquer this challenge.
     So, the preparations and strategy begin. First, I ate my last supper of alligator toes (fried pickles), which I did complement with a salad, trying to be good. Then we were off to the grocery store.
     My first frustration: Why is it so expensive to eat healthier? A bag of tangerines was $5, whereas a bag of potato chips was on sale for under $2. And, with as much vegetables and fruits that I want to eat, the bill was much higher than that of my normal cart filled with quick, processed foods.
     Today is the official first day that will be recorded in my personal history of declaring war. I am tying on my tennis shoes and heading to the gym to join the next flight of competitors for the physique challenge.
     I have a plan of attack. I plan to eat healthy, exercise daily (hoping for twice a day), keep an online food journal and write about my experiences.
     So, I headed to the gym, signed up and found out that I have to wait until next Monday. SIGH. Now, I could have used this as an excuse, but instead I met with a trainer and worked out.
     Tomorrow morning before even my roosters start crowing, I will leave the warmth of my bed and head down to the gym for some fierce games of racquetball.
     I really want this to work this time. To ensure my success, I am working hard to align my A-team of allies for the support I need.
     I have found workout partners, my family is helping with the eating and cooking end of things, and I even told my students at school. I appreciated all of their enthusiasm for me, and this afternoon, when I thought about wanting some chocolate, I chewed on a piece of gum instead!
     In a world that I have created, one in which I am the nurturer in both my personal and professional lives, I am finally ready to take up arms and fight for me.
     I know I will struggle, and even lose some of the battles. But, I believe I will win in the end.

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