Tuesday, February 27, 2007


     OK, so yesterday was a long day. But, thank goodness it is over! I can't believe how last week I just couldn't wait until this week because it would slow down. Hmmm.
     I am NOT jazzed about all the snow. Our driveway was finally not a gi-normous mug bog, and now we are starting all over.
     At least when I did carry in the groceries and it took several trips out to where we had to park the car because of the mud, I used up more calories!
     I can look forward to that again and hopefully soon. I wish the snow would melt quickly, especially with all the spring sports starting practices yesterday.
     I could've sworn the groundhog told us we were finished with winter. It certainly is not looking that way, not only just here, but all over the United States.
     So, I ate perfectly yesterday, did not drink enough water, and did not squeeze in a workout. I feel really good about my eating right now.
     It is so strange to me that I can make one thing or the other work really well. The last time I began this journey, I had the exercise down the best, and I did not eat like as I wanted.
     This time it feels like just the other way around. I definitely have my eating down and in control, but I am not making the exercise happen.
     It's not for lack of want. I want to exercise. I actually really like exercising. It is just a matter of having enough time in the day.
     When I finally came home last night, I did a couple of quick chores, and then I just went to bed.
     I am definitely fighting some sort of cold (probably, my body saying to slow down), and I am downing the vitamin C and trying to make more time for sleep.
     Today looks much like yesterday, as far as when I am going to make it home, but I will have time this afternoon to go for a walk (maybe inside).
     I am a bit frustrated right now because I am trying so hard to take care of myself, and I am not feeling well at all.
     And, wouldn't you know that the week I am ready to relax and focus on me instead ends up being a hectic week of shuttling everyone around everywhere.
     I can do this. I just need to take one day at a time.
     And, that's the last word, until tomorrow.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Did the alarm go off already?

     SIGH. What a long week, last week turned out to be. I survived though, and now I have some new plans for this week.
     First off, we had a great trip to Spokane! We went ice skating, and the kids all did fantastic in their National History Day competition.
     In all, four kids are moving onto the state competition in May, but I truly am proud of all of them.
     Let's talk about exercise for the weekend first. I walked quite a bit on Friday, and I also ice skated. Putting the skates on felt like a workout in itself.
     Then Saturday we had some walking, not as much as on Friday, though. And, yesterday I did not exercise at all. (First day in a long while that I did not exercise.)
     Eating . . . well, I did not do as well as I would have liked. Friday I ate two jo-jos from a place in Lake Roosevelt.
     I must say, though, that normally I would have eating at least five and with sauce, so I did control my portion and I did not eat any sauce.
     But, I also ate three on the way back on home, so it ends up that I did eat five (which seriously would have been 10).
     Then Friday night after ice skating, we went to a hamburger place. I did eat a hamburger, French fries and a chocolate peanut butter milkshake.
     However, I bought a kid's meal, and I realized that it was plenty to fill me up and far cheaper than buying a regular-sized meal.
     I did eat well for breakfast, and I did have yummy, healthy snacks. Then for lunch I ate at a sub place, and I made the right choice there.
     So, all in all, my eating choices were mostly good, with some room for improvement. I am proud of my portion choices.
     Yesterday we went out to lunch and I ate half a sandwich and a cup of soup.
     I am certainly starting to figure out that I don't have to feel like I might explode in order to satisfy my hunger.
     I drank tons of water all weekend, and I did drink my quota, so that is improving, too.
     Now, for this week . . . life was suppose to slow down, remember? Both my boys start up their spring sport, and both have decided to play different ones. SIGH.
     And, my oldest is currently without a car, which means I am the taxi driver. Life feels very complicated.
     So, my plan this week is to take my clothes to school and work out while the boys are practicing.
     My workout may include a walk or working on the weights in our school weight room, or I could even run up to the gym and back, if I decide to do that.
     I could even take my step aerobics tape into the music room and work out there after school (the built-in steps in the room would work well).
     I am ready for this week. My food is all mapped out, and I am working on the water. I know I can make the exercise happen, too.
     And, that's the last word, until tomorrow.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Almost over

     This week is almost over for me. I just need to make it until Sunday evening and this crazy week will be over! I can do it! I know I can!
     Today and tomorrow will be big tests for me in that I will be out of town, as far as eating goes. I already have a plan, though, so it should go smoothly.
     I packed snacks. I know I am going to have a sub sandwich for lunch tomorrow. I should do OK.
     As far as exercise goes, I am ice skating this evening, and I know that I will sweat tons and burn lots of calories.
     Then tomorrow, we will have lots of walking all day, so that will be good, too. I plan on hitting the gym on Sunday for a longer workout.
     There you have it. I am squeezing in all the right things into the right places. And, next week should prove way less hectic!
     I ate really well yesterday and I was actually under my calories, and I need to make sure I am where I should be, as I know eating way under is not good either.
     Water . . . still working on the water. I am hoping that next week will bring better results in the water department.
     I wanted to tell you about a couple of things I tried this week. First, I tried some breakfast burritos (Southwestern style).
     They are in the South Beach frozen dinner section. Anyhow, I ate one in the morning on two different days, and I noticed how filling (and tasty) they were! Good find!
     Then I also tried Splenda's coffee flavors. I did not really like them in my coffee, but the jury is out still. I am going to try them in a couple of different ways that I have been thinking about. I will keep you updated.
     Also, today I read a really interesting article on MSN about eating organically and cheaply - seems like an oxymoron (cheap organic food), I know.
     Good article, though, definitely check it out. Sorry the link is so long: http://health.msn.com/dietfitness/articlepage.aspx?cp-documentid=100153740>1=9033.
     Well, I have almost survived this week, and I am really proud of the fact that I did so well, especially under such stress.
     And, that's the last word, until Monday!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Is it still yesterday?

     I hope not! Yesterday was BUSY and stressful, but thank goodness it is OVER! One day at a time, I just keep reminding myself that.
     I had a feeling if I waited until the evening to work out, I wouldn't, and I was right. So, no workout last night.
     I even ended up with a headache before going to bed. I don't know if maybe I ate something that had lemon in it (it felt like that kind of headache) or what was behind my headache.
     I did buy sugar-free fudge bars yesterday because I was craving chocolate. Those are so yummy and satisfying, and only 40 calories!
     My eating yesterday was perfect. I did feel like eating chocolate, and I very easily could have eaten something that I would have regretted, but I did not. (Victory was mine!)
     Water was a little under (maybe that's related to the headache). I don't know why it's so hard when I am busy to make sure I drink enough. SIGH.
     I have tried everything. I have lugged around a gi-normous water container, and I have tried to drink several smaller water bottles. This is one thing I want to figure out.
     As far as exercise goes, I did not wake up this morning to go to the gym. I slept in an extra hour and then did aerobics here at the house.
     That seems like a fair trade-off to me, a little extra sleep and definitely some sweating going on.
     Today looks pretty busy, too, and I am hoping that the boys and I can squeeze in some racquetball this afternoon, just maybe.
     I have a (what feels like endless) "to do" list for today, and I seem to just keep thinking of more things to add.
     Well, one more thing is marked off right now.
     And, that's the last word, until tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Zzzzzz's please

     This morning I gave myself the OK to sleep in until 5:55. Last night I did not go to bed until after 10 p.m.; just too much stuff to do.
     My plan for exercise today is to head to the gym this afternoon/evening. I have all my clothes packed and ready to go in case I can slide in there right after school.
     I do have a couple of errands I have to run, so I might end up going a little later (after dinner), but I am worried that if I wait until then, I won't go.
     My schedule looks like I can go around 5:30, but I hate going at that time because it is super busy at the gym.
     So, I may wait and go a little later than that, so there won't be a bazillion people there.
     I don't really have a problem with being around people. It's just that I like certain machines. I guess you could say that I am territorial.
     Yesterday's eating was right on spot. I cannot believe the difference in my appetite and how I eat as long as I pack everything ahead of time.
     Water consumption was a little short. I just end up being so busy that I have a hard time making sure that I keep drinking. I am going to work on that today.
     Part of the reason that I slept in is that I don't want to end up exhausted and sick again, like last week.
     Also, I read a study about sleep deprivation and its effect on weight loss. Granted, the study used males as subjects, but it definitely had shocking results.
     Men who averaged four to seven hours of sleep per night for six nights in a row had increased levels of both insulin and glucose.
     Of course, we know that insulin increases the fat that the body stores, so not enough sleep can equal not shedding the pounds.
     Also today, I need to try and take a picture. I want to take a picture each week, and I forgot to take one on Monday.
     And, that's the last word, until tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Tell me something good, Tuesday

     That's going to be easy for me today. Yesterday, I went to the gym in the morning and rode the bike for 45 minutes (16 miles), and picked up a game of racquetball.
     This morning I woke up at 4:30, headed to the gym, and clocked in 30 minutes, just at 10 miles, and several chapters in my book. I have fewer than 15 pages to finish.
     I ate perfectly yesterday, drank my quota of water, and now today I see another good day forming.
     This week is a busy one, not like any weeks are not, but I am thinking about joining Weight Watchers next week.
     I have been thinking about it for awhile now, and I think I can actually schedule it into my life starting next Wednesday.
     Oh yeah, I weighed in yesterday morning at 248. Now, that is two pounds down from my official weigh-in for the competition.
     If you remember that morning I weighed in at 251.5 pounds, and then in the afternoon the scale said 250.
     Any way you look at it, I have lost at least two pounds, and I dropped down below the "50" marker.
     And on the doctor-like scale, that means that I don't have to move the marker over to the 250 point anymore.
     I was worried I wouldn't be able to squeeze my exercise in this morning because Jordie has call at 6:45 a.m. for the play.
     He is a pirate (Mad Willie) in Okanogan High School's "Pirates of Penzance," and they are actually touring to other schools today and tomorrow.
     (Shameless plug: Come to the show at Okanogan High School this Friday, Saturday at 7:30 p.m. or Sunday at 2 p.m.)
     So, this means we have to leave my house at 6:30 a.m. for today and tomorrow. Normally, my mornings are not quite so busy.
     I have several meetings this week, I am going to try to schedule a chiropractor's appointment, and maybe a massage (at least for next week), and I am headed out of town.
     I leave on Friday to take a group of kids over to the regional competition for National History Day, but we will be back late Saturday.
     I am bummed that I will miss one of Jordie's performances, but I don't schedule the universe, I just have to work around it.
     And, somewhere in there I need to work out. But, I can do it! I will make it all work!
     And, that's the last word, until tomorrow.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Long weekend

     With the extra day for the weekend, I am finding that this is exactly what I needed. I caught up on a lot of sleep, definitely what my body wanted!
     Even though I felt terrible on Friday and Saturday, I still went to the gym on Saturday and rode the bike for 45 minutes.
     Yesterday we worked a lot outside (building fences), and I also did some deep cleaning inside. I did not squeeze in a workout at the gym, but I still burned calories.
     We ended up unexpectedly with my step-daughter yesterday, so we spent a lot of time running around and enjoying the sunshine. That's the fun way to burn calories!
     And, of course, we had to clean off the trampoline and try it out for the first time this year. I am really appreciative of the nice, spring-like weather on both Saturday and Sunday.
     I was going to work out at the gym early this morning, but instead I am spending the morning drawing pictures with our little one. Priorities!
     I still could have worked out early, one of the big brothers could have baby-sat, but my step-daughter loves to go to the gym with me.
     I think it's such a positive thing for her to see me working out. She loves to work out here at home, so we might plug in some aerobics, too.
     Now our plan is that we are going to head down to the gym once the children's room is open at 8:30.
     Eating was great on Friday and Saturday, and yesterday I did well until the end of the day when I ate three pieces of a "de-lite" pizza.
     Now, that isn't the end of the world, as I did not eat any of the regular pizza, and from what I can find online, it looks like it was about 500 calories.
     So, I was within my range for dinner, and I had eaten fewer calories for breakfast and lunch.
     But, unfortunately I also ate some popcorn when we Rick and I went to the movie theater last night. Honestly, more than some . . . a lot of popcorn. SIGH.
     No ideas on the calories there, but I know that I blew my calorie total for the day for sure!
     I am going to work out longer today for my little slip, and I am not going to beat myself up over it either.
     I am also eager to weigh in today, my first week in this journey. And, I am glad that I am feeling better, too.
     And, that's the last word, until tomorrow.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Taking care of myself

     Yesterday I ate great, even without planning my dinner. I didn't drink enough water, though, and my lips are screaming about it. And, I did exercise.
     So, I have no idea what I was thinking but I did not plan my dinner, even though I knew that I would not be leaving the school until around 8 p.m.
     I ended up walking down to On the Avenue. Yes, walking. And, as I walked I planned what I would order.
     I ate half a turkey sandwich on multi-grain bread (with mustard) with a cup of French onion soup (no cheese), and I drank two glasses of water and a cup of decaf.
     I am taking notice of the fact that I can be satisfied on much smaller portions. Normally I would have ordered a full sandwich (and fries) and a bowl of soup.
     But, I did not feel hungry whatsoever after finishing what I ate for dinner. And, it is so nice to not feel overly full.
     As for exercising, it consisted of two different walks yesterday (even though I forgot my tennis shoes). I walked at lunch, and then I walked when I went to dinner.
     I drank water yesterday, but I only drank around 60 ounces, which is barely halfway to my daily quota (100 ounces).
     I am not sure what the deal was there, especially since with all of my planning. I brought a case of bottled water to school.
     I am definitely coming down with a cold. Grrr . . . as a new friend of mine just recently said, "It's frustrating when you are taking care of yourself."
     It is totally frustrating when you feel like you are making all the right choices to be healthy, and your health kicks in with something to send you on a detour (like a terrible headache or a cold).
     I am working out this afternoon after school (cold or no cold), and I plan on some workout time this weekend, too.
     Also, I really plan on some catch-up time in the sleep department! That is going to be major priority for me.
     I am glad that Monday is a holiday, as I can use the extra day to relax and hopefully fight off this cold.
     And, that's the last word, until Monday.

Thursday, February 15, 2007


     Yup, I survived Valentine's Day without any problems whatsoever! I did receive a few things of candy, which I promptly gave away to kids.
     Last night we decided to have a low-key dinner out, so we went to pizza, which could have been really bad diet-wise.
     I, however, made great choices and had a great time! I drank a glass of water and a glass of milk. I filled up on salad (very little dressing, no cheese).
     Then when our pizza came, I just chose the smallest slice (which really looked more like a sliver), and that was the only piece I ate.
     And the really super thing is that I did not feel deprived; I actually felt full. I thought about having another sliver, however, I decided I would wait until I was at home to see if I wanted it or not (we had lots to take home).
     When I came home, I did not want another piece. It totally worked just to wait and make sure.
     I really am proud of my three days of eating. I have not been hungry at all. I have stuck to my plan of portion control!
     Yesterday I did have a bite (seriously, the size of a half-dollar) of brownie that one of my students made during my class as a project.
     It was so yummy, and I could see how that was all that I needed to "experience" the dessert.
     Power. That's what I feel like I have again. I have the power to choose what to eat and how much of it to eat.
     On to exercise . . . I did aerobics yesterday morning, and I did not make it back to the gym yesterday after school.
     I did nothing this morning. I slept. I felt like I really needed it (this has been a longer week than I thought), and I know I can't go to the gym today after school.
     I am going to go for a walk during my lunch, at least that is my plan, and I am not going to sleep in tomorrow morning.
     I know that I need to work out in the morning. I also know that I have to go to bed earlier at night in order to do this.
     I also feel like a cold might be creeping in, so I definitely want to take care of myself (need to slam the vitamin C).
     I am even thinking about buying a friend's recumbent bike because I could ride here at home in the morning, which would mean I could sleep in an extra 30 minutes.
     Then I could use the gym for after school, evenings and weekends. I could also ride the bike when I am watching television in the evening.
     The only problem is figuring out where to put it in my tiny house. SIGH.
     Overall, I survived yesterday, and I am proud of all my choices.
     And, that's the last word, until tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Yippie, yahoo!

     Howdy! Yesterday after school Jordie and I went and played three games of racquetball, and I definitely predict a win on his part soon.
     Then this morning, I somehow messed up my alarm (I have three on my phone), and I did not wake up until 5:45.
     Do not despair . . . I did not go to the gym, but I did wake up and do aerobics here at home, since I had slept in.
     I think I will go today again after school and ride the bike unless Jordie can come, and then we will play some more racquetball.
     I seriously could play racquetball every day and even a couple of times a day. It is the best workout!
     You sweat like crazy, your heart pumps away, and the best part is that you don't even notice how long you have been playing - especially if you are competitive. Then you pay attention only to the score, and the next thing you know you have been playing for an hour.
     Even with this hectic week, I am still exercising (and, boy it feels good), and I am eating great! I am good with the water, too.
     I have to say just one more time that I cannot believe the difference planning makes for me. I have all sorts of healthy snacks, and I don't have to worry about each meal.
     Granted, this is only day three, but I have not had any mindless or emotional eating because I am just following my plan.
     It makes tons of sense to me because I know how many people will find a diet book and follow it, and they have great results. It's all about planning, I think.
     OK, so today is Valentine's Day! Did you know that a box of chocolates with around 20 pieces weighs in at more than 1,200 calories and around 50 grams of fat?
     Yikes! Those little candy message hearts are only three calories each, so those won't break your diet by any means.
     I probably am going to give away all my chocolate I receive today because I could easily chow that down.
     I may have a bite of something today, if I feel like it, but that is the key - only a bite - and no more.
     And, that's the last word, until tomorrow.

It's time to Go Red

     I consider myself to be a rather intelligent and educated woman. I must admit, however, that I did not know that heart disease is the No. 1 killer of American women over the age of 25, even more than all cancer combined.
     I thought heart disease was a problem that afflicted the older generation; in reality women die of heart attacks and other heart-related conditions even before they celebrate their 10-year reunions from high school graduation!
     I am not surprised that the statistic on the American Heart Association's Web site shows that only 13 percent of women consider heart disease a concern. (Obviously, I was part of the other 87 percent.)
     Yet, nearly half a million women die each year. That could be your mother, sister, daughter, grandmother, best friend. Scary!
     In an effort to educate women about heart disease, including understanding the risk factors that we can control, the American Heart Association has launched the Go Red campaign.
     We do have choices, and we can improve our quality of life by focusing on the following risk factors: High blood pressure, smoking, high cholesterol, physical inactivity, obesity or overweight, and diabetes.
     The first step is knowledge. We have to know our numbers and which numbers we should know. Then we have to understand those numbers to work toward a healthier heart.
     Do you know your cholesterol, both good and bad? How about your triglycerides? Blood pressure, fasting glucose, body mass index (bmi), or your waist circumference?
     To be honest, I don't know any of those except my waist measurement which, according to the American Heart Association, is one factor not in my favor for keeping my heart healthy - if I don't do something about it, that is.
     So, once you know those numbers, then you need to see where you fall in relation to the optimum numbers for heart health. You need to talk with your doctor to create a plan, a plan to live a longer, healthier life.
     I did make an appointment with the doctor, and I am looking forward to learning my numbers. I challenge you to do the same and for you to challenge others, too.
     Visit www.goredforwomen.org/index.html to find out what you should know and how you can make a difference in the quality of your life.
     Happy Heart Day to you!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Good or bad news?

     Let's start with the bad and get it out of the way! I did not go to the gym this morning at 4:30.
     I had my alarm set, and I was planning on going. We had a mini-family crisis last night that meant I was not able to go to sleep until right around midnight.
     I had been asleep at 9 p.m. and then up at 10 p.m., so really I did plan on waking up early and going to the gym.
     Stuff happens, right? Well, I am bummed that I did not go this morning, but when the alarm went off, I woke up with a killer headache, probably due to the lack of sleep.
     I took some Excedrin and went back to sleep. But, don't despair; I will go after school today.
     Yesterday you know I worked out in the morning, but the good news is that I went in to weigh in for the competition and stayed for a workout!
     Jordie and I played two games of racquetball, and he has definitely improved. I don't think it will be long before he beats me!
     We are going to play again this afternoon, and we might even drag Cody in with us, if he doesn't have to work.
     So, I did work out twice yesterday, and I am going to work out this afternoon, and hopefully I will make it in tomorrow morning.
     Even though I know how great I would be feeling right now had I gone in this morning, I really needed the sleep, and I am using my back-up plan.
     Exercise is not the only good news. Yesterday I ate and drank water exactly as I should.
     I really am proud of the hard work I put in to being prepared. It is definitely paying off.
     By the way, when I officially weighed in yesterday afternoon, I weighed at 250 pounds even.
     There are a couple of classes I would like to try at the gym, and I am going to see if I can schedule them in next week.
     Well, my bad news really isn't that bad, since I am going to the gym this afternoon instead.
     So, the lesson I have learned is that even when you plan, plan, plan, stuff can still happen that knocks you a little off course, and that's OK, so long as you grab the map and steer yourself in the right direction.
     And, that's the last word, until tomorrow.

Monday, February 12, 2007


     I feel good! I knew that I would! Now I feel good! I knew that I would! Now, so good, so good! Wow!
     To completely steal James Brown's lyrics, I mean it truly, completely . . . I do feel good and I knew that I would.
     This morning I woke up at 4:30, jumped out of bed (seriously, no lollygagging), put on my clothes (that I set out last night), and headed off to the gym.
     I rode the bike for 30 minutes (five miles) and read my book, "Wicked." And, I drank 24 ounces of water while at the gym.
     OH MY GOSH, I just can't believe how good I feel! I knew that I would (as the lyrics go), and I had just told my best friend yesterday how much better I feel when I work out in the morning.
     It was so nice to have everything ready and planned. I came home from working out, started the coffee and then took a shower.
     I ate a hard boiled egg (boiled three dozen eggs on Saturday) and a banana for breakfast, and now I am enjoying my coffee while writing this blog.
     My clothes are already set out for work, and my lunch and snacks are ready, too. Dinner is planned. Sigh.
     OK, so now for the not-so-great news. When I weighed this morning at the gym, I registered at 251.5 pounds.
     I must say though that I had just told my friend that I figured I weighed close to or just over 260 pounds, so the news was not as bad as I had prepared myself that it would be.
     When I started this whole thing last year, the scale was at 247 pounds, so I am pleased that I am not closer to 260.
     I had a super weekend filled mostly with family and friends. I went to coffee on Saturday morning with a girlfriend, and it was delightful.
     I need to make that a priority, catching up with friends, making better connections with people I enjoy.
     Rick's son Michael was home, too. And, we had a fun evening with him on Saturday. He is such a hoot.
     I did venture to the new Wal*Mart in Chelan (the new pick up and drop off for the boys when they go visit their dad), and as far as a Wal*Mart goes, it is a pretty nice place.
     This afternoon I will officially weigh in for the Biggest Loser competition. My appointment is at 4 p.m. and then I am headed home to start dinner.
     Tonight's the first night of my new book club, and I am excited about that, too. It's a busy week, as is next week, but I am READY!
     Guess what? I can't wait until tomorrow morning, seriously! That's right, I am back!
     And, that's the last word, until tomorrow.

Friday, February 9, 2007


     I am excited. I am little nervous. I am tired. I am intrigued. I am glad the weekend is peeking its head around the corner!
     I am excited for a whole bunch of reasons. First, Monday is almost here, and we all know what Monday means for me!!
     I am also excited about something completely different, and that is the Relay for Life. We had our kick-off last night, and I am really jazzed about this year's event!
     Last night I spoke with someone I have known since I have moved here, and I did not know that she had cancer.
     She is going to do the relay this year for the first time, and I just had this awesome connection with her last night that reminded me why I am involved in the first place. That's definitely exciting!
     Now, on to the nervous bit, I am feeling a little bit of the butterflies about making this gi-normous change in my life starting on Monday.
     I know that I have planned everything that I possibly can, and I know that stuff will happen along the way for which I didn't plan.
     I am just nervous about making it happen this time. I know I can do it. I want to do it, and part of me wonders if the nerves are just part of the excitement.
     I am tired, too. Long, long, long, long, long, long week . . . and thankfully I do not have too many things to do over the weekend.
     OK, so why I am I intrigued? I am not sure that is the perfect choice of word, but it seemed close enough.
     Drum roll, please. This month is National Potato Lovers' Month. Hmmmm. This month is for people who love potatoes.
     I just found that sort of a weird national month celebration, I guess. I love potatoes, so I guess this month is for me.
     In addition to those who love potatoes, it is also National Grapefruit Month. For the record, I do NOT eat grapefruit, so I won't be celebrating that one.
     I am glad the weekend is here. Yes, I am. I am looking forward to these next couple of days and what's to come after.
     And, that's the last word, until Monday.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Finally Friday?

     Nope! Dang! There is a part of me who feels like this week has been two in one! Just such a strange schedule, I guess, since I stayed home with my step-daughter one day.
     Now, everything seems a bit off, as far as the routine goes. You would think it would make the week go by faster, but it's didn't.
     I had a meeting that took longer than I expected last night and then tonight is the kick-off for Relay for Life, tomorrow I have a haircut (that's relaxing, though).

     And then tomorrow night I have to drive my youngest son down to meet his dad in Wenatchee for the weekend and we have family coming to visit. SIGH.
     But, the good news is that everyone seems to be on the mend as far as the sicky ickies go! Thank goodness!
     Anyhow, I am in the process of making a final "to do" list to ensure my readiness for starting the Biggest Loser competition next Monday.
     I have been wearing my new sneakers all week, so that when I start up the working out I won't have nasty blisters that keep me from going and going and going.
     I have a few more things I want to pick up at the store, mostly food-wise and snack-wise, and I plan on doing that this weekend (squishing in a store trip somewhere).
     I really am starting to get excited about next week. I have shared my plans with my students and they are pretty jazzed up for me, too.
     I also am excited about all of the organizing I have been doing lately. As well, I have taken MANY things off my perpetual "to do" list - things that always seem to live on the list and I can never find the time to do.
     Well, I have taken a couple of different afternoons this past month, and I have just ticked off the list a bunch of things that I kept putting off for whatever reason.
     See . . . already I feel lighter!
     And, that's the last word, until tomorrow (when it really is Friday).

Sunday, February 4, 2007


     This past weekend was a good one for me! I accomplished many things I wanted to do, and I spent time with family and friends.
     First, I went to Wenatchee with a huge list of things that I needed in order to be ready to start the competition next Monday.
     I am ready and raring to go, complete with new shoes, shorts, shirts and socks. I found everything for which I was looking.
     Then Saturday night we went over to our friends' house to watch the "Ultimate Fighting Championship."
     I originally thought I would not like it and that I was more going to spend time with my girlfriend (we ended up the only two girls there).
     I ended up liking it. There were times that it was a bit intense, but it was still fun to watch. It actually took me back to the days when I was a little girl.
     I remember watching boxing (entirely different fighting, for sure), and we would watch big Muhammad Ali fights.
     Anyhow, it turned out to be a fun time with great friends, and I couldn't help admire how in shape the fighters were.
     Then yesterday my sister came over. I don't feel like I have enough sister time ever. So, it was super to spend time with her. We always laugh and laugh.
     We all went to watch the Super Bowl at our friends' house. And, that was a great time with family, friends and food.
     But, I was good with the food. I did eat a little bit, but I also used the tiny paper plate to help me watch the portion control.
     I also stayed in the living room rather than hanging out and eating in the kitchen the entire time.
     I did not feel like I was going to burst or anything, and there was a ton of food. But, I also don't feel like I was deprived either; a happy balance.
     I am so ready to start next Monday! I am starting to get really excited about this challenge. I know I can do this!
     Something else I am really excited about is that this year I have been working on my plans and hopes for a year of change.
     One of those plans revolves around clutter. I have been doing such an awesome job of moving clutter out of my life.
     Not all the clutter yet, mind you, but enough that I can feel the difference in my life! And, boy it feels SUPER!
     And, that's the last word, until tomorrow.

Friday, February 2, 2007

Souper Bowl

     Yup, this Sunday marks two special days. Obviously it is the Super Bowl, and it is also National Soup Day.
     Did you know that the Super Bowl rates as the second-highest holiday for consumption of massive amounts of food, following only behind Turkey Day?
     Or how about that Hallmark Inc. says that hosting a Super Bowl party is the No. 1 at-home shindig? It even scores in above New Year's Eve!
     It is expected that more than $55 million will be spent on food and beverages this week.
     I wish I knew how much is normally spent to really see the difference in that amount. Nonetheless, it really is a lot of money.
     The other interesting thing about the Super Bowl is that it is often the day that people blow their resolutions.
     So this year, plan to take a healthy snack to the party you will be attending, so that there is an option for you.
     I love the idea of air-popped popcorn infused with lime juice and chili powder. Or, you could bring a yummy, healthy homemade soup (celebrating two days in one!).
     Take fruit, especially apples, which will give you something sweet to munch on. And, chocolate pudding is always a favorite (sugar-free and fat-free), too.
     In reading my blog last year from the Super Bowl, the biggest thing I noticed is how great I felt when the game was over and I had not gorged.
     Even if you are going to eat some of the not-so-healthy snacks, remember portion control.
     Some other ideas are to MOVE away from the snack area. Drink lots of water. Eat before you go to the party.
     And, if you blow your resolution for 2007, just start over on Monday! Don't let one day stop your progress!
     And, that's the last word, until Monday.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

One year anniversary

     Wow! I have been plugging away at this blogging for a year. One entire year! I can hardly believe it.
     I went back and read the blog for Feb. 1 of last year, and I noticed a couple of things.
     I definitely felt energized, but I also felt like losing weight was a battle. It definitely is hard, with that much I agree.
     But, it's almost like comparing it to a war or a battle makes it seem like something that I would lose or face defeat.
     So, if I were to continue with the metaphor, then this has been one very long war which, although I am not dead, I seem to be losing.
     Bye-bye war metaphor! I am fresh and ready to start anew. I have way more strategy (is that the dastardly war metaphor peaking its ugly head over the horizon?).
     Maybe I will start some other cheesy metaphor instead. Like, I am ready to start my new voyage to explore a new land (my changing body).
     Seriously, I know this is just semantics at this point, but don't you see how one is different than the other; it's about mental attitude, right?
     The other thing I noticed while reminiscing and reading my first-ever blog is that I am still writing. I did not quit that. I kept on blogging.
     There were times I wanted to stop writing because I felt like a fraud in the weight loss department.
     You know what? I am proud of myself for the fact that I have kept on writing, that I have found something to say (not that surprising, seeing as how I seem to always have something to say).
     You know what else? I am proud of myself even more for the fact that I am starting anew.
     I am not beating myself up for weighing more than I did when I started last year. (I know this because of how my clothes fit, but I don't know the actual number, scary.)
     I am not beating myself up for having to start over. Instead, I am celebrating the fact that it's never too late, that I can try again, and that I am ready.
     And, that's the last word, until tomorrow.