Thursday, February 22, 2007

Is it still yesterday?

     I hope not! Yesterday was BUSY and stressful, but thank goodness it is OVER! One day at a time, I just keep reminding myself that.
     I had a feeling if I waited until the evening to work out, I wouldn't, and I was right. So, no workout last night.
     I even ended up with a headache before going to bed. I don't know if maybe I ate something that had lemon in it (it felt like that kind of headache) or what was behind my headache.
     I did buy sugar-free fudge bars yesterday because I was craving chocolate. Those are so yummy and satisfying, and only 40 calories!
     My eating yesterday was perfect. I did feel like eating chocolate, and I very easily could have eaten something that I would have regretted, but I did not. (Victory was mine!)
     Water was a little under (maybe that's related to the headache). I don't know why it's so hard when I am busy to make sure I drink enough. SIGH.
     I have tried everything. I have lugged around a gi-normous water container, and I have tried to drink several smaller water bottles. This is one thing I want to figure out.
     As far as exercise goes, I did not wake up this morning to go to the gym. I slept in an extra hour and then did aerobics here at the house.
     That seems like a fair trade-off to me, a little extra sleep and definitely some sweating going on.
     Today looks pretty busy, too, and I am hoping that the boys and I can squeeze in some racquetball this afternoon, just maybe.
     I have a (what feels like endless) "to do" list for today, and I seem to just keep thinking of more things to add.
     Well, one more thing is marked off right now.
     And, that's the last word, until tomorrow.

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