Tuesday, February 27, 2007


     OK, so yesterday was a long day. But, thank goodness it is over! I can't believe how last week I just couldn't wait until this week because it would slow down. Hmmm.
     I am NOT jazzed about all the snow. Our driveway was finally not a gi-normous mug bog, and now we are starting all over.
     At least when I did carry in the groceries and it took several trips out to where we had to park the car because of the mud, I used up more calories!
     I can look forward to that again and hopefully soon. I wish the snow would melt quickly, especially with all the spring sports starting practices yesterday.
     I could've sworn the groundhog told us we were finished with winter. It certainly is not looking that way, not only just here, but all over the United States.
     So, I ate perfectly yesterday, did not drink enough water, and did not squeeze in a workout. I feel really good about my eating right now.
     It is so strange to me that I can make one thing or the other work really well. The last time I began this journey, I had the exercise down the best, and I did not eat like as I wanted.
     This time it feels like just the other way around. I definitely have my eating down and in control, but I am not making the exercise happen.
     It's not for lack of want. I want to exercise. I actually really like exercising. It is just a matter of having enough time in the day.
     When I finally came home last night, I did a couple of quick chores, and then I just went to bed.
     I am definitely fighting some sort of cold (probably, my body saying to slow down), and I am downing the vitamin C and trying to make more time for sleep.
     Today looks much like yesterday, as far as when I am going to make it home, but I will have time this afternoon to go for a walk (maybe inside).
     I am a bit frustrated right now because I am trying so hard to take care of myself, and I am not feeling well at all.
     And, wouldn't you know that the week I am ready to relax and focus on me instead ends up being a hectic week of shuttling everyone around everywhere.
     I can do this. I just need to take one day at a time.
     And, that's the last word, until tomorrow.

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