Monday, February 19, 2007

Long weekend

     With the extra day for the weekend, I am finding that this is exactly what I needed. I caught up on a lot of sleep, definitely what my body wanted!
     Even though I felt terrible on Friday and Saturday, I still went to the gym on Saturday and rode the bike for 45 minutes.
     Yesterday we worked a lot outside (building fences), and I also did some deep cleaning inside. I did not squeeze in a workout at the gym, but I still burned calories.
     We ended up unexpectedly with my step-daughter yesterday, so we spent a lot of time running around and enjoying the sunshine. That's the fun way to burn calories!
     And, of course, we had to clean off the trampoline and try it out for the first time this year. I am really appreciative of the nice, spring-like weather on both Saturday and Sunday.
     I was going to work out at the gym early this morning, but instead I am spending the morning drawing pictures with our little one. Priorities!
     I still could have worked out early, one of the big brothers could have baby-sat, but my step-daughter loves to go to the gym with me.
     I think it's such a positive thing for her to see me working out. She loves to work out here at home, so we might plug in some aerobics, too.
     Now our plan is that we are going to head down to the gym once the children's room is open at 8:30.
     Eating was great on Friday and Saturday, and yesterday I did well until the end of the day when I ate three pieces of a "de-lite" pizza.
     Now, that isn't the end of the world, as I did not eat any of the regular pizza, and from what I can find online, it looks like it was about 500 calories.
     So, I was within my range for dinner, and I had eaten fewer calories for breakfast and lunch.
     But, unfortunately I also ate some popcorn when we Rick and I went to the movie theater last night. Honestly, more than some . . . a lot of popcorn. SIGH.
     No ideas on the calories there, but I know that I blew my calorie total for the day for sure!
     I am going to work out longer today for my little slip, and I am not going to beat myself up over it either.
     I am also eager to weigh in today, my first week in this journey. And, I am glad that I am feeling better, too.
     And, that's the last word, until tomorrow.

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