Thursday, February 1, 2007

One year anniversary

     Wow! I have been plugging away at this blogging for a year. One entire year! I can hardly believe it.
     I went back and read the blog for Feb. 1 of last year, and I noticed a couple of things.
     I definitely felt energized, but I also felt like losing weight was a battle. It definitely is hard, with that much I agree.
     But, it's almost like comparing it to a war or a battle makes it seem like something that I would lose or face defeat.
     So, if I were to continue with the metaphor, then this has been one very long war which, although I am not dead, I seem to be losing.
     Bye-bye war metaphor! I am fresh and ready to start anew. I have way more strategy (is that the dastardly war metaphor peaking its ugly head over the horizon?).
     Maybe I will start some other cheesy metaphor instead. Like, I am ready to start my new voyage to explore a new land (my changing body).
     Seriously, I know this is just semantics at this point, but don't you see how one is different than the other; it's about mental attitude, right?
     The other thing I noticed while reminiscing and reading my first-ever blog is that I am still writing. I did not quit that. I kept on blogging.
     There were times I wanted to stop writing because I felt like a fraud in the weight loss department.
     You know what? I am proud of myself for the fact that I have kept on writing, that I have found something to say (not that surprising, seeing as how I seem to always have something to say).
     You know what else? I am proud of myself even more for the fact that I am starting anew.
     I am not beating myself up for weighing more than I did when I started last year. (I know this because of how my clothes fit, but I don't know the actual number, scary.)
     I am not beating myself up for having to start over. Instead, I am celebrating the fact that it's never too late, that I can try again, and that I am ready.
     And, that's the last word, until tomorrow.

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