Friday, February 2, 2007

Souper Bowl

     Yup, this Sunday marks two special days. Obviously it is the Super Bowl, and it is also National Soup Day.
     Did you know that the Super Bowl rates as the second-highest holiday for consumption of massive amounts of food, following only behind Turkey Day?
     Or how about that Hallmark Inc. says that hosting a Super Bowl party is the No. 1 at-home shindig? It even scores in above New Year's Eve!
     It is expected that more than $55 million will be spent on food and beverages this week.
     I wish I knew how much is normally spent to really see the difference in that amount. Nonetheless, it really is a lot of money.
     The other interesting thing about the Super Bowl is that it is often the day that people blow their resolutions.
     So this year, plan to take a healthy snack to the party you will be attending, so that there is an option for you.
     I love the idea of air-popped popcorn infused with lime juice and chili powder. Or, you could bring a yummy, healthy homemade soup (celebrating two days in one!).
     Take fruit, especially apples, which will give you something sweet to munch on. And, chocolate pudding is always a favorite (sugar-free and fat-free), too.
     In reading my blog last year from the Super Bowl, the biggest thing I noticed is how great I felt when the game was over and I had not gorged.
     Even if you are going to eat some of the not-so-healthy snacks, remember portion control.
     Some other ideas are to MOVE away from the snack area. Drink lots of water. Eat before you go to the party.
     And, if you blow your resolution for 2007, just start over on Monday! Don't let one day stop your progress!
     And, that's the last word, until Monday.


Anonymous said...

     First of all, let me say that I love reading your blog. Like many of your readers, I can relate to your writing on so many things and you always make me think.
     I had noticed that in a couple of your latest blogs you had mentioned starting Weight Watchers. I have done WW in the past and started up again this last October.
     I must say that I have been one of those "all my adult life" dieters also, and this is the only diet that I have ever tried that I actually feel like I am learning about myself and my eating habits. This is the only diet that I know that I can stick with, and the only one that I feel like I am doing right and that it can be done.
     So, I wanted to give you some words of encouragement in that area. It really is worth it, and it is amazing how many things you learn about yourself when you start learning how you SHOULD be eating. Truly a change of lifestyle and not a diet.
     I know you are a busy person, as am I. I enjoy the etools and use the online version of WW only.
     I had tried the meetings here and found they just weren't for me, and I didn't really have the time to attend them. So, just know that there are different options and if one isn't suiting your needs, to try something else.
     Keep up the great work. I'm sure I will see you at the next Relay for Life meeting. I am really looking forward to the kick-off, and I hope it is a big success. Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

     I loved the blog today. It has a wonderful and upbeat message. Keep up the optimistic mentality and you will get there!