Friday, July 27, 2007

Working to go on vacation!

     Why is preparing for vacation so much work? And, then when you return it seems like you always feel like you need a vacation from your vacation and you have to deal with everything from when you were gone??
     I am so glad that I washed all my clothes at cheer camp, as that really saved me from being completely bogged down. And, Rick and I did a ton of prep work last Saturday, so we are just down to the little stuff, but it sure seems like LOTS of little stuff, right?
     I don't know if I will have access to blog or not while I am gone...SO, MY FRIENDS, IT MAY BE A BIT (2 weeks) BEFORE WE MEET UP AGAIN. Do not despair, because I will return, PROMISE!
     My brother-in-law may have satellite service (because of his job), so I might have access...
     I am so excited to relax and play and read and hike and spend time with family. Rick really deserves and needs this vacation, too, so I am looking forward to helping him unwind and chill. We always have so much fun each year when we finally get away from everything :)
     Some other good news...I feel really lucky to have such a good relationship with my ex-husband. We work hard at resolving any conflicts when they do (albeit rarely) arise. I don't know if my kids know how lucky they are that we work so hard at it, as I know many kiddos not so fortunate. We were able to just work out some things that could have been tough, and I really appreciate that I have that sort of relationship with him!
     AND, Cody is OFFICIALLY a Marine!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Happily EXHAUSTED!!!

     Back from cheer camp, and SUPER happy to be home! I have had such an amazing week!!
     I didn't have any time this morning to blog, as we were up and running from the get go!
     Really, this week was a bonding one with my squad, but I also feel like we all improved on so many things...emotionally, mentally, and physically.
     I met some seasoned coaches and cheerleaders, and I am so appreciative of all that they shared with me!
     This is going to be such a good season, and I know we are going to have tons of fun!!
      On our way home, we stopped in Brewster so I could love on my boys, since they were going the other direction (like ships passing in the night). It was SOOOOOO good to see my babies!!
     The youngest one is off to spend some quality time with his pops and some of his old friends, and the oldest is headed over to Spokane to take the ASVAB and join up with the Marines.
     Now, I am home, but I am only half-unpacked, so I need to wrap this up and finish. I have lots to do to get ready for our trip to Yellowstone!
     As well, I can't wait to go see Rick!! And, I am SUPER excited to see my baby doll in the morning!! We missed her so much at cheer camp!!! I ordered her cheer uniform, and I can't wait to see her in it!
     Later for now!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Ooh Rah! Or is it Boo Yah?

     Today my arms are REALLY sore!!! I can't believe what an incredible workout all of this cheering is!!!
     And, I am working on my flexibility which I feel is improving as well.
     I think Cheer Aerobics is a blast, and talk about an excellent arm workout! I am going to define those arm muscles big time!
     Eating and water consumption, both are right on target! I should have weighed prior to coming to camp!
     I slept so well last night, since I was ABSOLUTLEY exhausted!
     I am excited to return home tomorrow and start getting ready for my big adventure to Yellowstone! We are going to have so much fun!!
     I have lots of big things happening in my life right now!! One of the biggest and most emotional relates to my oldest, Cody.
     He is enlisting with the Marines this week! He will probably be headed to Basic Training in October.
     I have such mixed feelings about this...I am overwhelmed with pride! My son could do anything he wants with his life, and he has MANY opportunities in front of him right now.
     He is choosing to dedicate his life to our country, and I swell with pride over that. What an incredible young man...
     I know he will do well and be strong in whatever he ends up doing in the Marines, and he is planning on applying to Recon.
     I am also sad that my baby is leaving, and that would have happened even if he would've headed off to the University of Washington as originally planned. I will miss him sooo much.
     Finally, I have the feeling of fear. I don't want my son to die or suffer an injury. I just want him to be safe.
     So, it has been a roller coaster of emotion this summer, but I am proud of how strong I have remained, and how making healthy and happy choices has greatly influenced my life, my being, my body, my attitude.
     Keep us all in your thoughts and hearts! Ooh Rah!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Cool, Cool, Sweet, Sweet!

     Hey, hey,, cool, sweet, sweet (you say that really quickly) I am officially on cheer time and talk! And, I am loving it!!
     We are working and playing hard here! I am actually sore today because I did stunting yesterday and TONS of walking!! Amazing how much work all of this cheer really is. I don't think unless you are directly involved that you can really understand.
     What is REALLY cool here is how POSITIVE everyone is all the time! You just really appreciate all the good stuff in your life!
     I am drinking TONS of water, so that is definitely a major plus about coming to camp. I am actually over my goal for water consumption!! Woo hoo! Starting a good habit, and I plan to keep it going when we return.
     I even went for a walk, an intentional one, this morning after breakfast. I totally wish I had a pedometer!!
     I am eating good, but do feel a bit hungry at times, and I think it is mostly because I am burning so many calories being so active.
     Actually this entire camp experience makes me want to go to one of those spa or exercise camps or vacations for adults!
     I think I am going to really research that as a possibility for next summer or maybe even this Christmas break, who knows??
     Well, off to another class. Cool, cool, sweet, sweet!!

Monday, July 23, 2007


     Greetings from cheer camp!! We are having such a SUPER time, and the girls are amazing!
     Any person who does not believe that cheerleading is a sport and that these girls are athletes is sadly mistaken! I can hardly believe some of the stunting happening here! WOWSER!
     We are eating healthy, drinking lots of water, and let me tell you...the exercising and walking is intense!!!
     And, thankfully the weather is not too intense! Warm, but not terribly hot!
     I had a great weekend, mostly spent relaxing and preparing for our upcoming trip to Yellowstone, which by the way, I probably won't be blogging during that time, since we will be gone for two weeks, and I have no idea what sort of access (if any) that I will have.
     We went through and organized everything, all of our camping stuff, which took awhile, and we had to wash a bunch of stuff off that had been outside.
     But, now all we have to do is pack clothes and food, and we will be ready!
     We leave this upcoming Saturday, so you have blogs for the week anyhow!
     Later for now...

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Super (small) Size, PLEASE

     It's officially a theme for me this summer...SMALL portions! I am so proud of how easy it is happening and how natural it feels to eat tiny portions.
     Last night after working out and running cheer practice, I took all the girls down for ice cream at On the Avenue.
     I ordered not just a small or single scoop, BUT rather a kid scoop in a bowl!!
     Then for dinner Rick and I had Subway, and I ordered a six-inch instead of the normal foot-long that I usually eat.
     I have even changed my coffee to a 12-ounce (sometimes hot, sometimes not) Americano. It's very yummy and gives me the coffee taste that I want without all the calories! I am also only treating myself to a coffee a couple of times a week.
     We had cheer practice this morning, and again before I worked out, so I am definitely starting off my mornings well!
     I loved the comment the other day about how a reader can totally feel different energy and a sense of balance when I am working out and eating!
     I went back and read my blogs, and sure enough, I can feel it, too!! Very cool!
     Well, have a SUPER day today!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


     I awoke to pounding rain, roaring thunder, and flashing light. Awesome!!
     This morning reminds me of some amazing thunderstorms in Texas. One in particular when the boys and I went on our roadtrip. I had never witnessed a storm like that night; it was both cool and scary, especially since we were in a tiny cabin (supposed to be in a tent, but the KOA rented us a cabin for the same price because of the weather).
     Now back to today's storm. Rick and I had this big debate about lightning and if it strikes from the cloud down or ground up.
     Holy Toledo, but I have to admit right here that he is RIGHT. Lightning travels from the ground up!!!
     Check out this link:
     OK, so back to what the blog should be about...yesterday I went to the dentist for the first time since I was pregnant with Jordan, and he will be 15 next month! I don't really know why I had not been going, just hadn't really found the time or made the time to go.
     Anyhow, considering I have been without dentistry intervention for so long, I am pleased and somewhat surprised to report that I do NOT have any cavities, and my mouth is actually in pretty good health!
     I did, however, have a ton of build-up, and it took almost an hour just to prep my teeth to clean, so I had to make another appointment for a cleaning.
     And, my mouth was pretty sore last night, but I guess that's what happens when you skip going to the dentist for so long.
     I did also make appointments for both my boys, and I have another appointment to have some cosmetic things done to my teeth. I can hardly believe that I will be saying good-bye to my David Letterman space this coming September!
     I am really excited about making postive changes in my life and placing me as a priority :)
     Hope YOU had a happy day!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

WHAT in the heck?

      Let's just say yesterday was CRAZY! First, I had a former student who was killed, then there were two different major accidents (fatalities at both), and how about a fire raging out of control??
      Somebody tell me what's going on here??!!
      I will tell you this much. As always, it's times like these that make me appreciate all that I have in my life.
      I am happy for my life, my family, my friends, my health, my job, etc. I feel very fortunate that I have all that I have in life, especially the love of my family and friends.
     I did feel like I was recovering from too much sun, and I did not feel too great yesterday afternoon/evening.
      I did perk up a little later, but didn't feel like cooking anything for dinner, so we opted Chinese takeout.
      I know, I know, not the best choice for dinner, but I must say that my portions were GREAT! I even took less than I really wanted because I thought I would want seconds later in the evening, but I never had them, so instead I had SUPER tiny portions.
      We watched a great movie last night: The Astronaut Farmer. It has such a strong message of hope and always dreaming. Perfect!
      Well, I hope today is quieter than yesterday.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Monday is the key day of the week - Gaelic Proverb

      Howdy! How's your Monday?
      We spent the day yesterday in Arlington at the airshow. It was a really nice trip over and back, although long for one day!
      The weather was very deceiving in that it was a wonderfully mild 75 degrees with some cloud cover. Yeah, so I did not use any sunscreen (DUMB IDEA), and I fried. TOTALLY.
      I did drink TONS of water yesterday, and although I did not eat the most healthy choices on the menu, I did concentrate on small portions.
      Food looked liked: A Starbucks doubleshot espresso (in the can), a sausage swiss breakfast sandwich, one Americano, some Texas French fries with cheese (just a little though), a garlic grilled cheese sandwich, three mozarella sticks, half of a small butterscotch milkshake, and that's it.
      So, not the best choices, and I have no idea of how many calories, but definitely I did watch how much I ate, and that felt great!
      As far as exercise...we walked and walked and walked. And, then we walked some more :) I should have worn a pedometer to know how much we walked exactly.
      Today, I did something I have ALWAYS wanted to do. I posted some items to sell on ebay! First time ever, and I have said I was going to, but just never have.
      I am eager to see how it goes, and I might try some other stuff, plus I have a friend who wants me to help her do it, too!
      I did have a message from a reader about the best ever de-clutter website. I actually had another reader turn me on to that site many months ago.
      I really like it, but I will caution you about subscribing because then you will receive a million reminder e-mails a day! A little much for me, and a bit ironic as far as the cluttering up of my e-mail inbox!! LOL. BUT, I do go to their site on a daily basis!! GREAT stuff!
      Hope your Monday was GOOD!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment, full effort is full victory. (Gandi)

     Howdy! Let me just tell you that I feel like a ginormous weight has been lifted off my shoulders!!
     We just finished our yard sale, and I hauled all the clothes to the clothing drop-off container (there are two, and I FILLED up an entire one. HOW does that happen? For real? How do you accumulate sooooo much stuff?
     And, even though my storage unit is crazy empty (only about a third of the stuff left and all in tubs), quite a bit of it is clothes, too. So, I am totally contemplating either having another sale OR just going and donating all those clothes, too. For real, as I lose weight, I would rather buy new clothes, right??
     At our yard sale we did not have any big items, and the most expensive thing I sold were the kids' clothes $5 for a bag, and we still made $130 for a 4-hour sale. That should definitely give you a feel for HOW many clothes I was actually selling!!
     Then we ran a load out to the dump, and I am FREE, baby, FREE!!
     I can't even tell you how absolutley liberating this all is!! It's not even about making money (that was a nice bonus, though). It's about giving it away, letting it all go!
     The update for the past few days... Thursday I went to a barbeque at one of the MOST beautiful houses in Okanogan! It sits right on the river, and WOW!
     The food was super, and I, again, ate super small portions, which feels like it is becoming a habit, a good one!
     The host of the barbeque made water with fresh mint from her garden and lime, and YUMMY!! Basically, my drink tasted like a non-alcoholic Mojito!
     After the barbeque, Rick and I watched movies, which I hadn't realized how busy I had been there at the end of the year graduating Cody and packing up my classroom because there are a zillion movies I have not watched!! I think we might catch up on them, as it is a nice and cool way to relax!
     Friday...I was busy with trying to get ready for the yard sale (I ended up with TWO truckloads of stuff from storage to where we had the sale. I also delivered tables there, too.
     Then, I decided to take some ME time! I went and had my eyebrows waxed (OK, I know that doesn't sound like me time, but really in the end, it is because I don't have to pluck them all out!!).
     Then I went for a pedicure. NOW that was certainly me time. I read the most recent People (my guilty pleasure, but even more of a pleasure when I don't buy it!!), and I also read from my book that I am reading right now (Janet Evanovich's #13).
     That doesn't even count the incredible foot massage and soak! SIGH!
     Then we barbequed (seems to be the theme of the summer) with all of the family. We have family up from Portland and also over from Seattle, which we don't get to see a ton, so it's always nice, and also Rick's oldest daughter and youngest grandbaby came.
     I do relish the family time. It just feels so good to relax and not be in a hurry to do anything.
     Again, spot on for my portions, although I did have seconds of my YUMMY salad that I brought! I also made MOJITO water for all of us (what a great idea that I borrowed!)!
     Today I was up and out early. I did not exercise intentionally on Friday or today, but I KNOW I have earned my workout stripes, since I have lifted and hauled and melted away a bazillion calories.
     Today alone I have drank 176 ounces of water!!! And, I still feel dehydrated!
     Well, we have a fun rest of the weekend planned, and I probably won't chat back until Monday morning.
     Stay cool!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Some say life is short. I say Life is TALL - grab a straw! (Sark)

     Yesterday was a GOOD day! I had an awesome (but, hot and sweaty) workout in the morning with walking the track and doing bleachers. I worked harder than normally because I had not worked out the day before.
     I did not get a chance to go to the gym and weigh, but I did wear a shirt and pair of shorts yesterday evening that I have not worn in a VERY long time, and I had lots of compliments on the outfit :)
     Yesterday, I spent the afternoon helping my friend go through her closets and de-clutter! I cannot believe how easy it is to all of a sudden have ten garbage sacks full.
     What it actually makes me want to do is get rid of everything in my storage. I know I won't, but I had a flicker of a feeling about that yesterday.
     We are going to continue working on her kids' toy room this afternoon, and then we will move onto her storage under the stairs!
     Thank goodness her house is air conditioned!!
     Then I ate a small dinner; I really am excited about my portions as of late. I can't believe what a difference it makes when I just don't eat gi-normous portions! I feel so much better.
     When it was cooler, we went out and fed and played with the horses, and just enjoyed the evening outside.
     After watching movies, we went outside and the temperature was perfect with an amazing sky!! Totally, you should go out and look tonight and feel how pleasant it is outside and look at how twinkly the stars are. If you are like me, you will feel that serenity that I always feel in nature.
     I am not sure what the workout is going to be today. I am thinking about heading to the pool this afternoon with my step-daughter!
     So, recently I have been reading a ton of different books, and I found and re-read a book called The Bodacious Book of Succulence: Daring to live your succulent wildlife! (Sark).
     It's really a cool book with watercolors and lots of color. The type it uses looks like handwriting, so you feel like you are reading a letter.
     The opening paragraph reads: "You are succulent even if you don't know it yet. Succulence is a process of aliveness and discovery, and it means living your life in full color, out to the edges, and in celebration of your radiant, eccentric self. Bodacious means: SPLENDID, BOLD, and REMARKABLE. That's you!"
     It's just a really inspiring and interesting book, and I find myself wanting to return to writing both my novel and poetry. It triggers something in the creativity area.
     Sark also has a website that you can check out at:
     What I really love about her books is that she is full of optimism, but she does have a smattering of reality, like she talks about her own issues of perfectionism and procrastination.
     This all reminds me of one of my favorite quotations that I had on a binder when I was in college.
     “Be careful what you water your dreams with. Water them with worry and fear and you will produce weeds that choke the life from your dream. Water them with optimism and solutions and you will cultivate success. Always be on the lookout for ways to turn a problem into an opportunity for success. Always be on the lookout for ways to nurture your dream.” (Lao Tzu)
     Have a bodacious day and do something to nurture your succulent self!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Most folks are about as happy as they make up their mind to be--Abe Lincoln

     I really want to go up to the gym and weigh today. That is my point of reference scale, so I might see if they will let me sneak in and borrow the scale (well, not really borrow it, but you know what I mean!).
     I know I am losing weight because the clothes feel different, and I am able to wear some clothes that I couldn't at the beginning of the summer :)
     Today after cheer workout and swim lessons, I am going over to help my friend go through her closets! YEAH! De-clutter away...and, I think she is going to sale stuff at the garage sale this Saturday at Ferrell Gas from 8-12 (oh, was that a plug?), LOL.
     I did look at the weather which we already knew was going to be outrageously HOT, but now it looks like there is a chance of thunderstorms on Saturday. SIGH.
     Last night we had a BBQ, and I made my yummy corn glaze (for a lack of a better word this morning).
     It is light sour cream, lime, and cilantro. It is sooo yummy, and way less fat than butter, and everybody at the house loved it!
     It was good to have an evening of family. Rick's oldest kids were there, and the grandkids, and Grandma, it was just good food and company.
     I did not overeat! I had a small piece of meat (and, it was delicious), and a piece of corn. I did drink three Fat Tires, which I have not had in forever.
     I didn't go for a walk (didn't get home until late), so I didn't even intentionally exercise yesterday!
     It's all good though, because I am going to work harder and longer this morning at my workout.
     I love Abe's quotation that I used as my title today. It's so true! Have a SUPER day and try to stay cool :)

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Two for Tuesday!

     I just decided to freshen up my blog!
     And, just the other day in my de-cluttering of life I went through and deleted and organized my personal e-mail account. And, it felt SUPER! Now, I want to deal with my work e-mail. That will take a little more time.
     My challenge to you today...choose ONE thing that you can de-clutter or change! Have fun :)
They say that time changes things, but you have to change them yourself! (Andy Warhol)

Only the guy who isn't rowing has time to rock the boat--Sartre

     Warning...this is a hodgepodge of thoughts today.
     I have been thinking a lot lately. I really like to walk and think; it just seems like you can clarify so many things when you are not worried about answering the phone, running errands, whatever.
     I did workout yesterday morning with the cheerleaders, and tonight I am going to walk with a friend. I think we are going to start walking regularly at 9 p.m.!
     OH YEAH!! Have you looked at this week's forecast? MYLANTA!! It is crazy...Tomorrow 104, Thursday 106, Friday 108, Saturday 103! Holy! Stay cool and hydrated people!!
     I also just love summer because of all of the yummy and healthy food to eat. I especially love summer fruit!
      So, life has been full of change as of late. I see change as an opportunity for strength and growth. It still amazes me how many people view change as automatically negative.
     And, sometimes a change of perspective can help you look at life in a different and better way, and even appreciate what maybe you didn't before. It can help you decide what you really want out of life.
     The other thing that I have been thinking about lately, and I have had several conversations with some close friends, is how people in this world want you to fail, relish it when you do, and don't care to even know the truth.
     This is part of what I am trying to understand in my life and what centers around the issue of codependence. I know exactly where my need for approval originates, and I am trying to not care what other thinks.
     But, in reality, we all do. We all care on some level and act in ways that are related to how others will judge us.
     And, people that I don't even care about, why should I care if they approve of me? Or, why should I care if they are overjoyed with what they perceive as my failures? That is what I have to personally work on.
     I keep reminding myself that a person who would be happy for another's failure is a very unhappy person. I should feel sorry for a person like that. And, I do.
     This all relates to my Jean-Paul quotation, and that I am surrounded by such loving people that are all rowing with me.
     When someone is more intersted in rocking the boat, I need to just give it away.
     Speaking of giving it away, well, on a more literal level. Yesterday while I was coloring with my step-daughter, I flipped through the channels and stopped at Oprah for a minute.
     Those of you who know me are probably shocked that I stopped and watched the show for ten minutes.
     The topic yesterday was about de-cluttering your life. It was about how weighed down we are with all of our stuff.
     I felt soooo good about all of the stuff I am letting go! YUP! OK, so this Saturday from 8-12, we are having a gi-normous yard sale at Ferrell Gas. Be there!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

It's all good!

     It's been a few has been pleasantly busy. I still have managed to eat well and exercise over the past few days!
     My favorite thing I did Friday night was first find a great find! Yup! I found a larger video case that almost matches my bedroom furniture perfectly.
     Then, I put the thing together, with some rather complicated directions. You see, I am definitely a verbal person, in that I need to read the directions NOT just look at pictures. There were seriously steps that had NO written directions just pictures, and I am NOT a spatial learner!
     I did, though, figure it out, and I have a beautiful video cabinet that I am actually using as an end table next to my bed (I call my bed a princess bed because it sits up so high.), and it has all sorts of stuff on the inside, so it is more like storage!
     Then on Saturday after working out and doing some little odds and ends (like washing my outside windows and setting up the sprinkler system), I headed over to help my friend.
     It felt so good to give something back to someone who has given me so much in the past few weeks.
     After that, we both went and joined my sister-in-law for an evening of BINGO. Now, that was funny!!
     I had not a clue of what was going on, and I did not have beginner's luck either (close, I had one number left to win $200).
     And, I had the BEST Sunday ever. One of the best days in a LONG time. Rick and I went for a motorcycle ride over the North Cross.
     I just love being on the bike. I love the feeling of freedom, and I love smelling just feel so alive.
     The weather and company was perfect, and we just had a very relaxing day.
     We even saw some super cool things!!! We saw an albino deer, and the dam at Diablo Lake was running (first time ever!).
     All-in-all, my weekend was good. I am looking forward to a good week, too!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Feel the love!

     Good morning!! I had such a SUPER Fourth, and I hope you did, too! I spent it surrounded by loving friends and family :)
     First, I went to a barbeque and birthday party at my friend Lorri's house. The food was great, company even better, and it just feels so good to be supported and loved by those around you.
     One of the great things happening for me right now is that since I am not hungry, I am able to concentrate on smaller portions.
     And, I have noticed that I feel better and not stuffed to the gills like everyone else around me. But, I still tasted everything.
     I do need to buff up my water intake, especially since I have been exercising lots and with the rising temperatures.
     Then I went to a neighborhood barbeque in my new neighborhood. It was nice meeting new friends and spending time with people that I am very close to who live within blocks of me.
     I did eat a little more at the second gig, but not much, and really just bitefuls.
     Again, I was the only one who was not feeling TOO full at the end of the night. What a benefit!!!
     I am going to have to exercise this evening with a nice walk or jog, since I have lots going on today!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007


     Howdy! Happy 4th of July to you!! Since today is Wednesday, I still woke up and headed off to workout. I had a feeling most of the cheerleaders would be sleeping in, and I even wondered why I wasn't.
     I was right! One cheer mom and friend, Teresa, came though, and we had a good walk and talk.
     We talked about taking care of ourselves and how hard it is for moms to make themselves a priority. That's something we are both working on right now!
      Before she came, I had already jogged and walked a lap. After she left, I walked another and jogged another, giving me a grand total of six laps for the day.
     But, I just really felt like working out, so I did 10 bleachers, and then I added an extra five lung sets, where you walk up on the seats rather than the stairs.
     In between sets of regular bleachers I did standing push-ups. My arms are feeling it already, even as I type this.
     I feel good, sweaty, and strong.
     Now, I have to go and get some things done around the house (bought a new air conditioner and have fence to finish for my dog).
     I am looking forward to working hard today, and then celebrating tonight with friends!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


     Tomorrow is our nation's day of independence. I have decided to dub this summer as my summer of independence.
     I feel very fortunate to live in a country that a woman does have the right to be independent and strong on her own.
     When I think of being independent, I also think of the rights I have to health care, education and other services that many people in this world, and especially women do not have access.
     I know someone right now who today is having a risky surgery related to his cancer, and in all reality, his prognosis and survival is slim.
     We have the right and the responsibility to take good care of ourselves physically, mentally, and emotionally.
     That sometimes is not the easiest road to journey down. Sometimes it is scary and lonely. BUT, we have to make the choice to improve our lives.
     I have been doing a lot of searching for answers to a lot of hard questions lately. I have found some things out about myself that I knew but maybe didn't want to face.
     A long time ago a reader to this blog made a comment asking me if I do the things I do (how busy and involved I am) because I want to do those things or because I want approval from outsiders.
     That question went straight to my heart. What is the motivation behind the things I choose to do??
     I have learned so much about codependence and control, and it all amazes me how it affects all areas of our lives.
     Now, armed with information, I need to keep asking the right questions and searching for the answers (no matter how hard they might be).
     I am proud of myself for finding the courage and strength to do what's right and hard.
     Yes, I am going to celebrate tomorrow!

Monday, July 2, 2007

What a Weekend!

     BUSY, busy, BUSY. I did not work out over the weekend, but I moved, and let me tell ya...I know the calories melted off.
     Packing and moving is an ordeal, but I was very lucky to have TONS of people there to help! All of the help was overwhelming, and I realize what amazing friends I have!
     Then after moving, I had an entire army of volunteers unpacking my house, which is now almost completely done! Incredible!!
     I am tired today, but I still went and walked the track with the cheerleaders this morning. Feels so good to feel my muscles burn.
     Last night we took the kids to see Ratatouille. It was a nice break from a LONG two days. I have to say that it wasn't one of the best animated movies I have ever watched.
     I liked a lot of the content because I LOVE to cook, but really much of the storyline went over the little ones. The teenagers thought it was funny and liked it though.
     I bought the kids popcorn, pop, and candy, but I only had a water because we ate dinner prior to going. I did munch a few of my step-daughter's Whoppers, but that was it.
     So, I really am proud of my eating over the past couple of weeks. It feels good to make those good choices.
     Lots left on my "to do today" list.