Wednesday, May 21, 2008


     So, good news and not really bad news, but...
     I lost one pound!!!! Woo hoo!!! I am at 230 exactly. That is the semi-bad news. The lady subtracted incorrectly a couple of weeks ago, and tonight we caught it.
     To update, I should've been -21.6 last week instead of -21.8, so it was off by -.2. My total right now is I am down 22.6 pounds.
     I was so stoked to be under 230, but that's OK. A loss is a loss, and that really motivates me for this upcoming week!!!
      The other gals: One lost 3, another 2.6, one had a gain (not sure how much), and one of us did not weigh in because she is icky sicky.

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