Tuesday, June 10, 2008


     Well, I started the morning off with an 8-mile bike ride on my recumbent SINCE it was rainy, cold, and we were surrounded by snow-covered mountains.
     We also went bowling today! It was tons of fun!! And, it's good exercise :)Various sources cite 150-200 calories burnt per hour, and that's for a person in the 150-pound range!
     Albeit, one arm will be more buff than the other, if we bowl regularly, which we are considering doing!
     I am not too excited about the weigh-in tomorrow afternoon, since I had a bad weekend eating.
     But, even if I gained weight this week, I have re-dedicated myself to my healthy habits, so I know that the weeks coming will produce good results.
     I did drink all my water today, too. I ate really well, both healthy and small portions. We had my favorites for dinner, turkey lasagna and fruit salad.
     I did have a small piece of spice cake with cream cheese frosting, heavy emphasis on the SMALL.
     I received some very thoughtful gifts and cards today. I also had two different people, who I haven't spent a lot of time with this past year, reconnect with me! What great gifts, indeed :)
     So, my birthday was filled with exercise, family, and family. What a beautiful day!!
     I am excited for what tomorrow will bring!!

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