Sunday, June 29, 2008

We survived Hoop Fest!

     Well, we headed over to Spokane, and we had a good trip! I packed lots of healthy snacks and water, which ended up being important and good since it was SUPER hot over there, and water ran about $2 a bottle! Yikes!
     I wore my counter which logged in over four miles of walking each day!! That with the sweating from the extreme temperatures, I am sure I melted away a million calories.
     It was so good to see all of our family. We had all the grandkids and kids (minus Cody--he was greatly missed) together.
     We also went bowling while we were there, and that was fun because the bowling alley was HUGE!
     I know I wrote about how much I love Spokane, but I do. It totally reminds me of when I was a wee little one :)
     I loved Hoop Fest, too! I have been there before, but it still always amazes me how many people are playing. I think I heard somewhere that they had 7000 teams this year!
     Lots of action and exercise, for sure!
     Well, I am tired but happily so!!

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