Sunday, April 13, 2008

I forgot to count how many licks

     Friday night Rick and I had Subway for dinner. I love that I can have a foot-long veggie sandwich for $5 and 8 points. It feels like so much food!!
     Then we decided to go to the movies. We went to see Leathernecks. First, let me say...fantastic movie! I wrote more about it on my other blog.
     OK, so there I am without being prepared. I didn't have a chance to swing by the store to buy popcorn. So without smuggling in popcorn, I was a little worried.
     I mean does one go to a movie and NOT eat popcorn??
     Rick bought a small bag of popcorn, and I got water and some Junior Mints. (I can eat half a box of KING-size Junior Mints for 3 points).
     I had a Tootsie Pop in my coat pocket (1 point), and so I decided I was going to enjoy that.
     Well, I sucked and sucked and sucked on that thing, until it had NO covering other than the Tootsie roll piece.
     I actually still had my lollipop when Rick's popcorn was gone! I have never in my entire life not just bit into a Tootsie pop! I could've been the poster child for the old-time commercials with the owl!
     I did it. But, since I was watching the movie, I didn't count how many licks/sucks it took. LOL!
     What I did realize though is that I could do it. And, really I am not sad that I missed the movie popcorn, which for me is just a mindless consumption of not even really good popcorn.
     I ate a little less than half of the Junior Mints. YES, I actually took the box home with me. CRAZY!
     WOO hoo! Be healthy!

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