Monday, April 7, 2008

PET peeve (seriously)

     I absolutely LOVE walking. I love being outside. I love breathing the fresh air, visiting with neighbors (I even had one join me for a walk the other day!), and, of course, exercising!
     BUT, I have a pet peeve. And, this is a literal PET peeve. What's the deal with all the people who allow their dogs to run free?
     I don't have a problem with a barking dog in its yard, because it's doing its job, right?
     BUT, when I am minding my own business walking down the road, and some maniac dog comes charging, growling and barking all the way, it MAKES ME MAD!
     Sometimes, not always, the dog's owner will come outside yelling at the dog to get back home or whatever, and I want to yell at the dog owner to take care of his/her dog in the first place!
     OK, sorry for the rant, but really, I think it's totally rude when the same dog owners have their dogs, that they KNOW don't stay in the yard, outside to terrorize the innocent walkers.

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