Sunday, April 13, 2008

A look from above

     I had a fantastic walk yesterday up to the top of the hill heading to Conconully from out of Okanogan. It was very peaceful.
     I took some pictures with my cell phone, so they are not the best quality; next time I will take my camera.
     I noticed tons of deer tracks along the road, and the birds were singing non-stop.
     I passed a house that is being built that last week was just at its foundation, and now it looks almost all framed in with two stories going! That's some progress!
     It kind of made me think of myself in a metaphorically way. Last week, I felt stripped to my foundation emotionally, and this week, I feel like I am building back where I was.
     I also noticed, while I was walking yesterday, flowers! It was sweet!

     I will write more later today about my walking/biking adventure. I want to wait until after I walk this morning, to add those hours in to the total.
     Check in later! I am off to walk Robinson Canyon!! Be healthy!

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