Wednesday, March 5, 2008


      I am tickled about today! I can't wait to weigh-in tonight for the first time at Weight Watchers.
      I know the number will be higher than I want, but that's OK, because then next week when I see results, that's where it starts.
      I feel really jazzed about starting WW, and I am even more excited that my friends are making the leap, too!
      We are going to be such a good support for one another with eating and exercise.
      I know this sounds silly, but what I love about WW is how I feel like it's almost a scavenger hunt.
      I love discovering ways to change recipes so that they are healthy. I love trying new foods. I love searching out snacks that are zero or one point choices. I love the creativity that comes along with WW.
      I have also decided that I am going to sign-up for all access on the internet and use the tools there to stay organized.
      Last weekend I bought the WW magazine, and I found a teacher who had lost 100+ pounds, and she had some great ideas that completely relate to what my normal day looks like, so I am eager to try those out.
      Definitely stay tuned for some fun recipes and snacks, and to keep track of how this goes for my group.
      I have been thinking we should name ourselves...

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